Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving week is always a time to reflect to what we are thankful for. Here are just a few things I'm thankful for in no particular order:  It is 10:28pm on Tuesday night and I just got in my bed ahh my bed... I am thankful for my bed oh how I love my bed it's big with loads of pillows an sometimes there are 5of us sleeping in it and even though I'm hanging off the edge of it during those times Im grateful for my bed! Reality TV,  it gives me an escape and makes me realize; No I am not crazy those people are.  A seat on the subway.  Naps when my kids take them I can get loads of stuff done, like catch up on my reality TV! Living in the NYC it's like no other place in the world.  Red wine. A clean car it's a rarity but so nice.  Baby Mia Rose, my dear friend's miracle baby, I will forever be grateful for her and what she means to my friends. Target, I love me some bargains.  Good genes and good jeans thankfully I have both! and of course there are all the usual thanks for my babys daddy, my 3 kidlets, good health, my family, a job, great friends, a roof over my head, plenty of food and wanting for nothing and big thanks to my mom who came over to take care of BD and I who were too sick to get out of bed and take care of our brood this weekend.
Happy thanksgiving to all. Follow me on twitter @thesafetygirlz.

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